Monday, March 29

I know I shouldn't be blogging right now because I should be studying. I am not in the mood to study today, seriously. I tried. Don't worry, I guess I'll be studying the whole day tomorrow, I only have 16 pages for science anyway. I can do this. Desperate housewives and Supernatural is on soon too so that just made me lazy and not bothered. I shouldn't be procrastinating I know.

By the way guys, since I am moving this Friday, my internet will obviously be disconnected on Friday but it will be re-connected on Wednesday the 7th of April. I won't be blogging for four days, it should be alright. I have the phone and Tony and since I'm free doing nothing except talking to Tony and TV, I'll just decorate my room and re-arrange it, unpacking things and all. I just want Wednesday to be over so I can relax and enjoy my holidays. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow at all. Enjoy guys and keep smiling.

Love, Kimee

Sunday, March 28

I am so exhausted. As soon as I woke up today, I realised half of my house was empty and then I realised my parents and sister is at my new house unpacking some things there and taking our stuff over there before Friday so we don't have so much to do. I started to pack some of my things and it took 3 trips to the car just for shoes, dad was just like oh my god LOL!

When we unpacked, we were so hungry so we went to eat but before I did, I wanted to see the route to go to Kathy's house since my parent's said it was super close and it really was! It was like a minute drive, literally behind her house or something. I came and I saw her washing the dishes and I said KATHY! Yeah, she freaked out and said AHHHHH, FUCK ME DEAD! Nice reaction babe, then she gave me a hug after that reaction. We had some catch up time and we will be having more of that now which is awesome. I love her, I really do. She's beautiful. I stayed there for probably an hour or more? and My dad and I were so hungry so we just had to go eat because the people who are close to me know, I get grumpy when I am hungry and my dad has the same I-get-grumpy-when-I'm-hungry disease LOL.

I went home and started my science notes since I haven't started it. I finished it 2 minutes ago and I am so happy about it. I can study tomorrow and Tuesday so I won't be blogging until Wednesday lovelies. Half way through doing my notes, my parents called me and told me to get changed again and they took me out to eat dinner. Yummm. I can't wait until my last exam is over because I am going to go crazy and leave my damn books aside. Let's enjoy life while we can before the 6 months come. Wish me luck for Wednesday.

I love and miss my husband so fucking much.

Saturday, March 27

I survived the blood test. I was so scared but then it didn't hurt until after wards, where it was stinging for a bit. Oh by the way guys, I am moving houses on Saturday! I'm excited but I'm also not. I don't know why, maybe because it's a new suburb or something. I live really close to Miss Kathy Tran,which is good. Means I can see her more often I guess! :P She doesn't even know yet, maybe when she reads this. I am so not bothered to pack all my stuff and everything, there's so much in such little time. I was going to tell you guys earlier but I wasn't sure about the actual date so yeah. Don't worry my girlies, I am not moving school! I live like 2 seconds away from St. Johns Park High though which sucks because my school is further away. I'm moving on Saturday and I will get my internet connected that day so I won't be gone. I won't blog until probably Sunday because I'll be too busy unpacking, organising my room and everything so sorry lovelies.

Yesterday at work was fun. I saw a lot of people yesterday and I can't wait to see more on Friday. Thank you everyone who is coming to visit me, I really do, love you all including my boyfriend who visits me every single week and stays there until I finish. Anyway guys, I don't have much to say today because I need to pack some stuff since I'm moving some stuff tomorrow. Enjoy your weekends!

Justin Bieber - Up (L)

Love always,

Friday, March 26

Life makes you feel all sorts of things...

Mocking someone LOL

Just plain stupid.

Don't you just hate it when the day you can sleep in, you just end up waking up early anyway, while the days you need to wake up early, you don't. I woke up at 8.30 today, so much for sleeping in. Tony's coming over soon, so I might as well just wake up. I'm sure you all know I changed my layout. Since I haven't blogged in ages, I wanted to change it and this one is so simple but really nice, vintage too - love it.

I have work today and I so can't be bothered, so so sick of working there. I'm going to be unemployed by next week and will be unemployed until I finish my HSC which is sad but yeah, it's alright. I will be looking for a job afterwards and definitely not in the food industry. I hate wearing uniform, having my hair tied up and everything, yuck. The food industry always gets shit customers and all but you know what? retail industries like clothing and make-up stores and stuff, they are very very bitchy. So much for customers service hey? what happened to everything we learnt in Business Studies?! I love Natalie Tran, and one of her recent videos really show this!

That was funny wasn't it? I found it hilarious, or maybe it's just me finding everything funny. She's beautiful. If you haven't seen any of her videos, watch it! You're missing out. Anyway, it's the weekend and I'm just so excited, with one more exam to go on Wednesday I can totally put school aside for awhile and just enjoy my holidays. I have a lot of things I want to do in the holidays and I hope I can do all of them. I'm sure most year twelves are on holidays already but for others, it's getting there so don't worry! Enjoy your weekend guys!

Love, Kimee.

Thursday, March 25

Hey guys! guess who's back?

I will use blog to tell you about what's been happening and things! I have finished most of my exams with only one more to go with is really great. I am so sick of studying, stressing, getting headaches, staying up late and waking up early. I have a day off until Wednesday for my last exam and I will study but for today, I am going to bludge it. I really miss just watching tv, listening to music and chatting on msn. Can you believe it, I haven't listened to music since term one started? Yeah, no life I had but I have been downloading, just not listening. I am listening to music at the moment so yeah, damn I miss it.

My Business exam today was alright. I know I screwed up in one part of the Business report, let's just hope I get over 80% at least or else.. fuck my life. Anyway, putting that over aside, I went to my dermatologist today for my pimples. It's a lot better than before but it comes and go and I really want it to be gone forever so, I went to see her today and I asked her to put me on a stronger medicine. She told me it will get rid of it forever but I will get side effects of dry skin and all the pimples will come out but I take it for 7 months then I'll never see them again. I got really really scared because I fear dry skin the most, but she gave me some products that will help prevent dry skin and hopefully, it won't look bad because I'd cry. Also, I have to get a blood test this Saturday, I was shitting myself! it's my first blood test too. I told my lovely best friend, Mai and I scared her, making her think it was something worse, poor girl - I didn't mean to. She also said the sweetest thing to me, but I'll keep that to myself :P. Anyway, I have work tomorrow so I won't be blogging. Wish me luck for Saturday and hope I don't die!

Thursday, March 4

Don't worry guys, I won't be gone forever. I will be back! but in the mean time, catch me on tumblr :)

Wednesday, March 3


Tuesday, March 2

It's been ages, I miss blogging daily but blame it on school. I'm sorry guys, I really don't have to blog lately - I have a whole pile of work still waiting for me to do and half yearlys, kill me. Just waiting for 6-7 months then it will all be over and back to regular posting. I just couldn't find a better time to be sick then right now. I died at school so they sent me home early after my Ancient exam and I had the greatest sleep I've had in a while, until it was disrupted by tutor. This is one thing I hate about winter, I tend to get sick a lot and the people around me.

I will blog soon again lovelys, until then keep smiling! :)

Kimee Trinh

I am a seventeen year old teenager who is currently doing the HSC. I am inspired by many things in this world. Sometimes, I can be a real spazzo and really loud when I'm with the people I love. Purple, leopard, make-up and fashion is my love. Family and friends ♥


Tony Hoang's (L)


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Designer : Chili.
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